16 October 2017

Helloween - My God Given Right (2015) [Japanese Edition]

Band ⇉ Helloween
Country ⇉ Germany
Release ⇉ My God Given Right
Year ⇉ 2017 [Japanese Edition]
Genre ⇉ Power, Speed Metal
File Info ⇉ MP3, 320 Kbps
Download ⇉ Cloud.Mail
(Link found on the net. Thanks to the Original Uploader)
Band Sites ↴
Official Site 

Markus Grosskopf - Bass
Andi Deris - Vocals
Dani Löble - Drums
Michael Weikath - Guitar
Sascha Gerstner - Guitar

Guests :
Olaf Senkbeil - Backing Vocals
Billy King - Backing Vocals
Matthias Ulmer - Keyboards

1. Heroes
2. Battle's Won
3. My God-Given Right
4. Stay Crazy
5. Lost In America
6. Russian Roulé
7. The Swing Of A Fallen World
8. Like Everybody Else
9. Creatures In Heaven
10. If God Loves Rock 'N' Roll
11. Living On The Edge
12. Claws
13. You, Still Of War
14. I Wish I Were There [Japan Bonus]
15. Wicked Game [Japan Bonus]
16. Free World [Japan Bonus]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool thx for sharing btw I am making rock mixes , prefer this guitar pack
What do u think is it a good choice?